local 12

Dive In: Giving Back with swimwear and an epic Titanic experience - March 11, 2025

Wake up with Good Morning Cincinnati on Local 12

What's in the rug? Columbus Police conduct dig in backyard after TikToker finds rug buried in yard

Burglar gets in bed with dog, then shoots dog dead when owner confronts him

Thieves ‘came to the wrong county’

Local 12 Investigates: Nuclear fallout -- Is there a danger on our doorstep?

Local 12 talks with President Joe Biden one-on-one about infrastructure bill

Local 12 The Weather Authority

Local 12 viewers offer look into areas affected by severe weather

Local 12 says goodbye to Rich Jaffe

Report reveals deep fractures under radioactive Ohio landfill

Local 12 Investigates: Missing money at the Ohio Republican Party

Local 12: The News Leader

The Who returns to Cincinnati, giving back and healing more than 42 years after tragedy

History Being Written: Local 12 sits down with Cincinnati's new mayor

Local 12 Investigates: How much is Pike Co. prosecution costing? And who will pay?

Local 12 talks #VPDebate with political analyst, Dan Hurley

City Council Members discuss Local 12 investigation into gun violence in Cincinnati

Health diversity town hall special to air on Local 12

Join Local 12 at a town hall to help support local caregivers

Tri-State health providers to participate in Local 12 town hall

Local 12 The Weather Authority

Local 12 News at 5:00: 1/25/2021